Whiplash Claim & Compensation in UK

Many injuries that occur during a road traffic accident (RTA) is usually due to rear-end collision or when the vehicle you are traveling in is hit by another from behind. Whiplash is a common result of reckless driving and is usually suffered when a person’s body is thrown forward and backward due to the jerk and may result in the hyperextension of the neck.

Whiplash appears to be the most common injury in car accidents in England. In case of a non-fault accident, either you or your loved ones have experienced whiplash, we can provide the right legal advice and guide and help you to get the compensation you deserve. Our experts advise and help you with a secure settlement recovery guide. This can help you recover your expenses or loss of income that you have faced due to this uncertain accident. 

Whiplash injuries often end up in major difficulties and people suffer a lot as their daily routine and working, both are completely disturbed.  Therefore, our team at NASL can help you with the advice that works the best to get the compensation you deserve. Though for many people whiplash seems to be a minor injury. But it can have uncertain, long-lasting effects on your life. In worst cases, whiplash symptoms can be permanent. 

Many whiplash injuries occur even in low speed collisions and the severity depends upon how well you’re restrained. It is therefore important to wear seat belts and helmets while driving. 

Whiplash Symptoms

The usual whiplash symptoms include;

  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Neck pain and soreness
  • Difficulty moving your head
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Soreness in the shoulders or arms and muscle spasms.
  • Whiplash can also be caused by a trip, slip, or falling accident.

Less common symptoms of whiplash include;

  • Poor concentration.
  • Dizzy spells.
  • Timely memory loss
  • Irritation in your hands and arms. (Likely; pins & Needles)
  • Tiredness or irritability.

Who could ask for Whiplash Compensation?

Nobody wants to be injured nor wants to face accident. Accidents happen uncertainly or due to someone else’s negligence while driving. Whether you’re the driver of a car or just a passenger of that car or  were travelling in a public transport, even can be a cyclist or a pedestrian, you could be eligible to claim for compensation if the accident wasn’t your fault and you suffered due to someone else’s negligence.  

If injured in a car or road traffic accident and whiplash wasn’t your fault and you can’t manage your home and office and with same you are facing immense strain and financial pressure and worries. Call NASL advisory team for compensation guide. The compensation settlement could help you cover cost of medical treatment as well as the salary loss during off work or any other impacts on your personal or family’s lives.

Why should I choose National Accident Supportline for my whiplash claim?

 Having a vast experience of working as an advisor in the field of accident claims and compensation we stand out to be the UK’s best personal accident injury claim advisory team. If you or your loved ones has suffered whiplash due to a road traffic accident, you could reimburse the costs associated with your injuries and be entitled to claim compensation you deserve. 

We are there to help people who have suffered whiplash in an accident that wasn’t their fault. Our team works on a ‘no win no fee’ basis, so there’s no financial risk of expenses involved in pursuing a claim. To get a whiplash injury claim quickly and easily and find out more information,

just call NASL 03332122730.

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